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HD 24155 (Chaser)



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B Star Rotational Velocities in h and χ Persei: A Probe of Initial Conditions during the Star Formation Epoch?
Projected rotational velocities (vsini) have been measured for 216 B0-B9stars in the rich, dense h and χ Persei double cluster and comparedwith the distribution of rotational velocities for a sample of fieldstars having comparable ages (t~12-15 Myr) and masses (M~4-15Msolar). For stars that are relatively little evolved fromtheir initial locations on the zero-age main sequence (ZAMS) (those withmasses M~4-5 Msolar), the mean vsini measured for the h andχ Per sample is slightly more than 2 times larger than the meandetermined for field stars of comparable mass, and the cluster and fieldvsini distributions differ with a high degree of significance. Forsomewhat more evolved stars with masses in the range 5-9Msolar, the mean vsini in h and χ Per is 1.5 times thatof the field; the vsini distributions differ as well, but with a lowerdegree of statistical significance. For stars that have evolvedsignificantly from the ZAMS and are approaching the hydrogen exhaustionphase (those with masses in the range 9-15 Msolar), thecluster and field star means and distributions are only slightlydifferent. We argue that both the higher rotation rates and the patternof rotation speeds as a function of mass that differentiatemain-sequence B stars in h and χ Per from their field analogs werelikely imprinted during the star formation process rather than a resultof angular momentum evolution over the 12-15 Myr cluster lifetime. Wespeculate that these differences may reflect the effects of the higheraccretion rates that theory suggests are characteristic of regions thatgive birth to dense clusters, namely, (1) higher initial rotationspeeds; (2) higher initial radii along the stellar birth line, resultingin greater spin-up between the birth line and the ZAMS; and (3) a morepronounced maximum in the birth line radius-mass relationship thatresults in differentially greater spin-up for stars that become mid- tolate-B stars on the ZAMS.

Catalogue of averaged stellar effective magnetic fields. I. Chemically peculiar A and B type stars
This paper presents the catalogue and the method of determination ofaveraged quadratic effective magnetic fields < B_e > for 596 mainsequence and giant stars. The catalogue is based on measurements of thestellar effective (or mean longitudinal) magnetic field strengths B_e,which were compiled from the existing literature.We analysed the properties of 352 chemically peculiar A and B stars inthe catalogue, including Am, ApSi, He-weak, He-rich, HgMn, ApSrCrEu, andall ApSr type stars. We have found that the number distribution of allchemically peculiar (CP) stars vs. averaged magnetic field strength isdescribed by a decreasing exponential function. Relations of this typehold also for stars of all the analysed subclasses of chemicalpeculiarity. The exponential form of the above distribution function canbreak down below about 100 G, the latter value representingapproximately the resolution of our analysis for A type stars.Table A.1 and its references are only available in electronic form atthe CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/407/631 and Tables 3 to 9are only available in electronic form at http://www.edpsciences.org

On the behavior of the Cii 4267.261, 6578.052 and 6582.882 Å lines in chemically peculiar and standard stars
With the aim of investigating the possible particular behavior of carbonin a sample of chemically peculiar stars of the main sequence withoutturning to modeling, we performed spectroscopic observations of threeimportant and usually prominent single ionized carbon lines: 4267.261,6578.052 and 6582.882 Å. In addition, we observed a large numberof standard stars in order to define a kind of normality strip, usefulfor comparing the observed trend for the peculiar stars. We paidparticular attention to the problem of the determination of fundamentalatmospheric parameters, especially for the chemically peculiar stars forwhich the abundance anomalies change the flux distribution in such a waythat the classical photometric methods to infer effective temperaturesand gravities parameter cannot be applied. Regarding CP stars, we founda normal carbon abundance in Hg-Mn, Si (with some exceptions) and Hestrong stars. He weak stars are normal too, but with a large spread outof the data around the mean value. A more complicated behavior has beennoted in the group of SrCrEu stars: four out of seven show a strongoverabundance, being the others normal.

Rotational Velocities of B Stars
We measured the projected rotational velocities of 1092 northern B starslisted in the Bright Star Catalogue (BSC) and calibrated them againstthe 1975 Slettebak et al. system. We found that the published values ofB dwarfs in the BSC average 27% higher than those standards. Only 0.3%of the stars have rotational velocities in excess of two-thirds of thebreakup velocities, and the mean velocity is only 25% of breakup,implying that impending breakup is not a significant factor in reducingrotational velocities. For the B8-B9.5 III-V stars the bimodaldistribution in V can be explained by a set of slowly rotating Ap starsand a set of rapidly rotating normal stars. For the B0-B5 III-V starsthat include very few peculiar stars, the distributions in V are notbimodal. Are the low rotational velocities of B stars due to theoccurrence of frequent low-mass companions, planets, or disks? Therotational velocities of giants originating from late B dwarfs areconsistent with their conservation of angular momentum in shells.However, we are puzzled by why the giants that originate from the earlyB dwarfs, despite having 3 times greater radii, have nearly the samerotational velocities. We find that all B-type primaries in binarieswith periods less than 2.4 days have synchronized rotational and orbitalmotions; those with periods between 2.4 and 5.0 days are rotating withina factor 2 of synchronization or are ``nearly synchronized.'' Thecorresponding period ranges for A-type stars are 4.9 and 10.5 days, ortwice as large. We found that the rotational velocities of the primariesare synchronized earlier than their orbits are circularized. The maximumorbital period for circularized B binaries is 1.5 days and for Abinaries is 2.5 days. For stars of various ages from 107.5 to1010.2 yr the maximum circularized periods are a smoothexponential function of age.

Are Stellar Rotational Axes Distributed Randomly?
Stellar line widths yield values of Vsini, but the equatorial rotationalvelocities, V, cannot be determined for individual stars withoutknowledge of their inclinations, i, relative to the lines of sight. Forlarge numbers of stars we usually assume random orientations ofrotational axes to derive mean values of V, but we wonder whether thatassumption is valid. Individual inclinations can be derived only inspecial cases, such as for eclipsing binaries where they are close to90° or for chromospherically active late-type dwarfs or spotted(e.g., Ap) stars where we have independent information about therotational periods. We consider recent data on 102 Ap stars for whichCatalano & Renson compiled rotational periods from the literatureand Abt & Morrell (primarily) obtained measures of Vsini. We findthat the rotational axes are oriented randomly within the measuringerrors. We searched for possible dependence of the inclinations onGalactic latitude or longitude, and found no dependence.

Catalogue of Apparent Diameters and Absolute Radii of Stars (CADARS) - Third edition - Comments and statistics
The Catalogue, available at the Centre de Données Stellaires deStrasbourg, consists of 13 573 records concerning the results obtainedfrom different methods for 7778 stars, reported in the literature. Thefollowing data are listed for each star: identifications, apparentmagnitude, spectral type, apparent diameter in arcsec, absolute radiusin solar units, method of determination, reference, remarks. Commentsand statistics obtained from CADARS are given. The Catalogue isavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp tocdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcar?J/A+A/367/521

A HIPPARCOS Census of the Nearby OB Associations
A comprehensive census of the stellar content of the OB associationswithin 1 kpc from the Sun is presented, based on Hipparcos positions,proper motions, and parallaxes. It is a key part of a long-term projectto study the formation, structure, and evolution of nearby young stellargroups and related star-forming regions. OB associations are unbound``moving groups,'' which can be detected kinematically because of theirsmall internal velocity dispersion. The nearby associations have a largeextent on the sky, which traditionally has limited astrometricmembership determination to bright stars (V<~6 mag), with spectraltypes earlier than ~B5. The Hipparcos measurements allow a majorimprovement in this situation. Moving groups are identified in theHipparcos Catalog by combining de Bruijne's refurbished convergent pointmethod with the ``Spaghetti method'' of Hoogerwerf & Aguilar.Astrometric members are listed for 12 young stellar groups, out to adistance of ~650 pc. These are the three subgroups Upper Scorpius, UpperCentaurus Lupus, and Lower Centaurus Crux of Sco OB2, as well as VelOB2, Tr 10, Col 121, Per OB2, alpha Persei (Per OB3), Cas-Tau, Lac OB1,Cep OB2, and a new group in Cepheus, designated as Cep OB6. Theselection procedure corrects the list of previously known astrometricand photometric B- and A-type members in these groups and identifiesmany new members, including a significant number of F stars, as well asevolved stars, e.g., the Wolf-Rayet stars gamma^2 Vel (WR 11) in Vel OB2and EZ CMa (WR 6) in Col 121, and the classical Cepheid delta Cep in CepOB6. Membership probabilities are given for all selected stars. MonteCarlo simulations are used to estimate the expected number of interloperfield stars. In the nearest associations, notably in Sco OB2, thelater-type members include T Tauri objects and other stars in the finalpre-main-sequence phase. This provides a firm link between the classicalhigh-mass stellar content and ongoing low-mass star formation. Detailedstudies of these 12 groups, and their relation to the surroundinginterstellar medium, will be presented elsewhere. Astrometric evidencefor moving groups in the fields of R CrA, CMa OB1, Mon OB1, Ori OB1, CamOB1, Cep OB3, Cep OB4, Cyg OB4, Cyg OB7, and Sct OB2, is inconclusive.OB associations do exist in many of these regions, but they are eitherat distances beyond ~500 pc where the Hipparcos parallaxes are oflimited use, or they have unfavorable kinematics, so that the groupproper motion does not distinguish it from the field stars in theGalactic disk. The mean distances of the well-established groups aresystematically smaller than the pre-Hipparcos photometric estimates.While part of this may be caused by the improved membership lists, arecalibration of the upper main sequence in the Hertzsprung-Russelldiagram may be called for. The mean motions display a systematicpattern, which is discussed in relation to the Gould Belt. Six of the 12detected moving groups do not appear in the classical list of nearby OBassociations. This is sometimes caused by the absence of O stars, but inother cases a previously known open cluster turns out to be (part of) anextended OB association. The number of unbound young stellar groups inthe solar neighborhood may be significantly larger than thoughtpreviously.

Variability of the Hei5876 { Angstroms} line in early type chemically peculiar stars
Chemically peculiar stars present spectral and photometric variabilitywith a single period. In the oblique rotator model, the non homogeneousdistribution of elements on the stellar surface is at the origin of theobserved variations. As to helium weak stars, it has been suggested thatphotometric and helium line equivalent width variations are out ofphase. To understand the behaviour of helium in CP stars, we haveobtained time resolved spectra of the Hei5876\ { Angstroms} line for asample of 16 chemically peculiar stars in the spectral range B3 - A1 andbelonging to different sub-groups. The Hei5876 { Angstroms} line is tooweak to be measured in the spectra of the stars HD 24155, HD 41269, andHD 220825. No variation of the equivalent width of the selected He linehas been revealed in the stars HD 22920, HD 24587, HD 36589, HD 49606,and HD 209515. The equivalent width variation of the Hei5876 {Angstroms} line is in phase with the photometric variability for thestars HD 43819, HD 171247 and HD 176582. On the contrary it is out ofphase for the stars HD 28843, HD 182255 and HD 223640. No clear relationhas been found for the stars HD 26571 and HD 177003.

On the HIPPARCOS photometry of chemically peculiar B, A, and F stars
The Hipparcos photometry of the Chemically Peculiar main sequence B, A,and F stars is examined for variability. Some non-magnetic CP stars,Mercury-Manganese and metallic-line stars, which according to canonicalwisdom should not be variable, may be variable and are identified forfurther study. Some potentially important magnetic CP stars are noted.Tables 1, 2, and 3 are available only in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

The observed periods of AP and BP stars
A catalogue of all the periods up to now proposed for the variations ofCP2, CP3, and CP4 stars is presented. The main identifiers (HD and HR),the proper name, the variable-star name, and the spectral type andpeculiarity are given for each star as far as the coordinates at 2000.0and the visual magnitude. The nature of the observed variations (light,spectrum, magnetic field, etc.) is presented in a codified way. Thecatalogue is arranged in three tables: the bulk of the data, i.e. thosereferring to CP2, CP3, and CP4 stars, are given in Table 1, while thedata concerning He-strong stars are given in Table 2 and those foreclipsing or ellipsoidal variables are collected in Table 3. Notes arealso provided at the end of each table, mainly about duplicities. Thecatalogue contains data on 364 CP stars and is updated to 1996, October31. This research has made use of the SIMBAD database, operated at CDS,Strasbourg, France.

The HR-diagram from HIPPARCOS data. Absolute magnitudes and kinematics of BP - AP stars
The HR-diagram of about 1000 Bp - Ap stars in the solar neighbourhoodhas been constructed using astrometric data from Hipparcos satellite aswell as photometric and radial velocity data. The LM method\cite{luri95,luri96} allows the use of proper motion and radial velocitydata in addition to the trigonometric parallaxes to obtain luminositycalibrations and improved distances estimates. Six types of Bp - Apstars have been examined: He-rich, He-weak, HgMn, Si, Si+ and SrCrEu.Most Bp - Ap stars lie on the main sequence occupying the whole width ofit (about 2 mag), just like normal stars in the same range of spectraltypes. Their kinematic behaviour is typical of thin disk stars youngerthan about 1 Gyr. A few stars found to be high above the galactic planeor to have a high velocity are briefly discussed. Based on data from theESA Hipparcos astrometry satellite and photometric data collected in theGeneva system at ESO, La Silla (Chile) and at Jungfraujoch andGornergrat Observatories (Switzerland). Tables 3 and 4 are onlyavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp tocdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

Do SI stars undergo any rotational braking?
The old question of rotational braking of Ap Si stars is revisited onthe empirical side, taking advantage of the recent Hipparcos results.Field stars with various evolutionary states are considered, and it isshown that the loose correlation between their rotational period andtheir surface gravity is entirely compatible with conservation ofangular momentum. No evidence is found for any loss of angular momentumon the Main Sequence, which confirms earlier results based on lessreliable estimates of surface gravity. The importance of reliable,fundamental T_eff determinations of Bp and Ap stars is emphasized. Basedon data from the ESA Hipparcos satellite

Magnesium abundance in main sequence B-type and magnetic chemically peculiar stars.
The abundance of magnesium for a sample of 19 main sequence B-type and41 magnetic chemically peculiar stars has been derived by spectrumsynthesis analysis of the MgII448.1nm line under the LTE assumption. Thelogarithm of the average Mg abundance for the main sequence stars is log(N(MgII)/N(Tot))=-4.28+/-0.19. Comparing magnetic chemically peculiar(Cp) and main sequence stars with equal effective temperature andgravity, one finds that the magnesium abundance tends to be lower inpeculiar stars with the exception of helium rich stars where thiselement can be overabundant. In Cp stars with effective temperature ofabout 14000K, the magnesium abundance does not depend on gravity,microturbulent velocity or rotational period. There appears to exist acorrelation between the magnesium abundance and the surface magneticfield, with the stars poorest in magnesium presenting the strongestmagnetic fields. In accord with the theory of magnetically controlleddiffusion - which predicts a non-homogeneous distribution of magnesiumover the stellar surface and stratification in the photosphere - somepeculiar stars show evidence of spectral variability with the rotationalphase; the respective magnesium abundances of the HgMn stars HD49606 andHD78316 depend on optical depth.

The ROSAT all-sky survey catalogue of optically bright OB-type stars.
For the detailed statistical analysis of the X-ray emission of hot starswe selected all stars of spectral type O and B listed in the Yale BrightStar Catalogue and searched for them in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. Inthis paper we describe the selection and preparation of the data andpresent a compilation of the derived X-ray data for a complete sample ofbright OB stars.

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

A new list of effective temperatures of chemically peculiar stars. II.
Not Available

Some problems of non-reversive CP stars. I. Spatial distribution.
Not Available

Effective temperature of AP and AM stars from Geneva photometry
The determination of the effective temperature of different kinds ofchemically peculiar stars from Geneva photometry is rediscussed. Wepropose an improved method of determining T(eff) of Ap stars fromGeneva's reddening-free X and Y parameters or from the B2-G index. Theeffect of duplicity on the determination of T(eff) of Am stars isdiscussed.

On the determination of effective temperature and surface gravity of B, A, and F stars using Stromgren UVBY beta photometry
The determination of stellar temperatures and surface gravities by meansof the Stromgren uvby beta photometric system is examined in the regionof main sequence stars. We used a sample of stars with independentlyderived temperatures and gravities. In particular, the calibrations ofMoon & Dworetsky (1985), Lester et al. (1986), and Balona (1984) arediscussed. We compare our results with Castelli (1991) and present newtemperature calibrations for normal, Johnson, and Ap stars. The use ofintegrated fluxes and especially the infrared flux method fordetermining stellar temperatures is discussed. Surface gravities of Band A stars, derived by fitting theoretical profiles to the Balmerlines, are used to check the calibrations.

The outstanding photometric variations of the AP star HD 7676 = VV Scl
Contrary to what was formerly believed, VV Scl is not an eclipsing starbut an Alpha CVn type variable with period P = 5.0976 +/- 0.0001 d. Therange of the luminosity variation is remarkably large for an Ap star,especially in B of Johnson's system, and in b and mostly in v ofStromgren's one. A secondary minimum appears near the maximum in B, b,an v. The main minima are in phase in all colors.

On the origin of the statistical correlation between rotation periods and apparent radii for CP 2 stars
Apparent rotational velocities and rotation periods for CP 2 stars areused to study the 'apparent' radius distribution of R sin i. It impliesa distribution for the radii of CP 2 stars which is almost normal fortheir temperatures when compared to main sequence stars. However, astatistical correlation exists between rotation period P and R sin i. Itis argued that, at least in the case of silicon stars, neitherconservation of angular momentum on the main sequence, nor bias in themeasured v sin i values are able to induce a correlation of the observedstrength. Thus, one has to postulate either additional rotationalbraking depending statistically on R, or a detection bias dependingstatistically on i. It is shown that the correlation might be explainedin both ways and the implications of each possibility are discussed.

Spectrum variability of some selected bright CP stars on the main sequence
The initial findings of a survey for spectrum variations in selected CPstars is reported. It is found that almost all observedmercury-manganese stars are spectrum variables. The implications ofchemical anomalies in these stars are briefly discussed. In particular,arguments are advanced against the general assumption that CP3 stars arenonmagnetic. The observed low rotational velocities of the CP3 stars areinterpreted as rotational braking by magnetic fields mostly in thepre-main-sequence stage of evolution of these objects. The hypothesis isadvanced that high resolution spectroscopic observations of such starswould exhibit Zeeman-broadening in lines that vary in strength and arealso sensitive to the magnetic field.

Modelling of Magnetic Field Geometries and Chemical Abundance Distributions of Ap Si Stars
Not Available

Radii and space orientation of the rotational axes of AP stars
The inclination of the rotation axis to the line of sight (i) has beendetermined for a carefully selected sample of Ap stars with reliablevalues of periods of rotation, and values of the stellar radius (R)times sin i have been compared with values of normal main-sequencestars. The findings that none of the obtained R x sin i values aresignificantly larger than the upper limit for the radius of a mainsequence stars and that the mean radius of Ap stars is close to thenormal main sequence value suggest that most Ap stars are main-sequenceobjects. The observed i distribution implies that the distribution ofthe rotational axes of Ap stars in space is random.

Effective temperatures and angular diameters of Bp-Ap SI stars and B and A normal stars - (u-b) and Delta(m2100)0 calibrations
The JHKLM photometric calibrations of Johnson (1966), Hayes (1979) andWamsteker (1981) are compared in computing empirical T(eff) and angulardiamters for nine standard stars and 12 Bp-Si stars from totalintegrated fluxes by the method of Blackwell et al. (1980). The resultsare presented in extensive tables and discussed in detail. It is foundthat the Hayes calibration gives the most consistent T(eff) values fromJ and K, and that T(eff) is overestimated by 700-1100 K if thenormal-star calibration is applied to peculiar stars. T(eff) is thendetermined from the (u-b) and Delta(m2100)0 calibrations for 10 standardand 39 peculiar stars, and it is confirmed that the Balmer jump ofpeculiar stars decreases with Si abundance and is smaller than that ofnormal stars of the same T(eff).

Statistical Investigation of Chemically Peculiar Stars - Part Two - the Stars with the Dispersion of Continuum Spectrum at Lambda 5200A
Not Available

Statistical Investigation of Chemically Peculiar Stars - Part One - the Stars with Known Periods
Not Available

The local system of early type stars - Spatial extent and kinematics
Published uvby and H-beta photometric data and proper motions arecompiled and analyzed to characterize the structure and kinematics ofthe bright early-type O-A0 stars in the solar vicinity, with a focus onthe Gould belt. The selection and calibration techniques are explained,and the data are presented in extensive tables and graphs and discussedin detail. The Gould belt stars of age less than 20 Myr are shown togive belt inclination 19 deg to the Galactic plane and node-lineorientation in the direction of Galactic rotation, while the symmetricaldistribution about the Galactic plane and kinematic properties (purecircular differential rotation) of the belt stars over 60 Myr oldresemble those of fainter nonbelt stars of all ages. The unresolveddiscrepancy between the expansion observed in the youngest nearby starsand the predictions of simple models of expansion from a point isattributed to the inhomogeneous distribution of interstellar matter.

On the shape of the UVBY lightcurves of CP stars
Light curves in the Stroemgren system are presented for 56 CP stars. Theobservational data have been fitted by a sine wave and its firstharmonic. The least-square parameters are tabulated, and it is shownthat such a fit describes very well the CP variations in most cases, theonly exceptions being due to observational uncertainties.

Effective temperature of AP stars - A comparison between several photometric estimators
Effective temperatures are inferred for 28 Bp stars with theBlackwell-Shallis method. They are compared to photometric estimations,which are made with Delta-m(2100), (B-V)j, (B2-G), (R-I)c, and (J-K). Itis shown that (B2-G) and (R-I)c are the most interesting temperatureestimators for peculiar stars. A new calibration of (B2-G)0 is thenprovided for Si and He weak stars. Linear radii of Bp stars are found tobe similar to those of main sequence late B-type stars.

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Apparent магнитуда:6.3
Даљина:135.87 parsecs
Proper motion RA:22.5
Proper motion Dec:-22.6
B-T magnitude:6.211
V-T magnitude:6.281

Каталог и designations:
Proper именаChaser
HD 1989HD 24155
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 664-811-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0975-00843241
BSC 1991HR 1194
HIPHIP 18033

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