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HD 214484



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50 New Eccentric Eclipsing Binaries Found in the ASAS, Hipparcos and NSVS Databases
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The 74th Special Name-list of Variable Stars
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An extensive Delta a-photometric survey of southern B and A type bright stars
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The Relation between Rotational Velocities and Spectral Peculiarities among A-Type Stars
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1995ApJS...99..135A&db_key=AST

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
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SANTIAGO 91, a right ascension catalogue of 3387 stars (equinox J2000).
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Fifth fundamental catalogue. Part 2: The FK5 extension - new fundamental stars
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The early A type stars - Refined MK classification, confrontation with Stroemgren photometry, and the effects of rotation
The MK classification system for the early A-type stars is refined, anda parallel system of standards for the broad-lined stars is introduced.With this improved system, stars may be classified with significantlygreater precision than before. It is shown that spectral types in thissystem are not systematically affected by rotational line broadening. Atotal of 372 early A-type stars are classified, and a confrontation ofthese spectral types with Stroemgren photometry reveals a number ofsystematic photometric effects of rotation. In particular, high v sin istars are systematically redder than low v sin i stars of the samespectral type, and the beta index is weakened by rotation. It isconcluded that precise spectral classification in conjunction withStroemgren and H-beta photometry can potentially provide a valuablecheck and input to the theory of the atmospheres of rotating stars.

The A0 stars
A photometric grid, standardized on MK spectral standards, has been usedto compare spectral types and luminosity classes obtainedphotometrically with those in two extensive spectral surveys coveringthe entire sky. Major discrepancies include the spectroscopicclassification of B9.5, which may indicate an otherwise unrecognizedspectral peculiarity, a different A0/A1 spectral type boundary in thetwo samples involved, the well-known misclassification of weak heliumstars, and an appreciable percentage of stars which are called dwarfsspectroscopically but are of higher photometric luminosity. The spacemotion vectors of these stars for which radial velocities are available,and excluding the minimum of 25 percent that are spectroscopic binarieswithout orbital elements, show structure in their distribution in the(U, V)-plane, with members of the Local Association and the Hyades andSirius superclusters forming obvious concentrations. The members of theLocal Association in the samples are mainly old (more than 200 millionyears) mode A stars, although a few much younger stars are included. Themembers of the Hyades and Sirius superclusters contain many bluestragglers, including several peculiar stars of the Hg, Mn, and Sivarieties.

Infrared magnitudes (JHKLM) for 105 chemically peculiar A- and B-stars
Observational data for IR surveys of 105 CP stars in the JHKLM regionsare reported. The data were taken with the ESO 1 m telescope duringthree separate viewing periods, with four observations being made ofeach object. The measurements were treated for the mean SNR ratio, thestandard deviation of the mean signal, and the accuracy of thezero-point. Duplicate measurements were made of objects which weresuspected of being variable, and mean values were derived.

Properties of Am, Delta Del and Delta SCT stars in the VBLUW system
The spread with respect to the main sequence in the two-color diagramsfor 115 Am, Delta Del and Delta Sct, for which VBLUW photometricobservations have been obtained, is primarily attributed to gravityeffects. Exceptions to this rule can be recognized from a comparison oftheir positions in these diagrams and in the reddening-independentdiagram L-U/B-L, where some Delta Sct stars have experienced relativelyhigh reddenings, while others are presumably metal-poor. It is notedthat gravities and temperatures compare satisfactorily with those ofDavis Philip et al. (1976), which were based on uvby-beta photometry.

Bright metallic-line and pulsating A stars.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1976PASP...88..402E&db_key=AST

Photoelectric filter photometry of the flux depression at 5200 A in Ap-stars
A new photometric index was used to characterize the flux depression at5200 A in a photoelectric filter photometric study of a large number ofnormal A-stars, Ap-stars, Am-stars, and Hg-Mn-stars. The new index isdefined as a = g - (h + y)/2, where g and h are the brightnesses at 5240and 5020 A, respectively, measured by interference filters, and y is thebrightness measured with a Stromgren filter. The index reveals a markedcontrast between normal and peculiar stars.

Absolute luminosity calibration of Stroemgren's 'intermediate group'
A relation defining the luminosity index for Stroemgren's (1966)intermediate group (A0 to A3 stars) in terms of absolute magnitude iscalibrated using a method based on the principle of maximum likelihood.This relation is also calibrated for the case when the 'a' index iscorrected for reddening. For both relations, calculations are made ofthe magnitude dispersion, the mean velocity components and correspondingdispersion, and the precision of each parameter. The results are shownto be in fairly good agreement with Stroemgren's (1966) values, and arelation incorporating the corrected 'a' index is proposed formain-sequence stars. The absolute magnitudes obtained with a relation ofthe present type are compared with those derived from trigonometricparallaxes and with those obtained by Eggen (1972).

Multicolor photometry of metallic-line stars. III. A photometric catalogue
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1974RMxAA...1..175M&db_key=AST

Four-colour and H BET photometry of some bright southern stars- II.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1972MNRAS.160..155S&db_key=AST

Line strengths for southern OB stars-II. Observations with moderate dispersion
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1969MNRAS.144...31B&db_key=AST

Catalogue et bibliographie des étoiles A à spectre particulier - Deuxième supplément
Not Available

Radial velocities of fundamental southern stars II
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1961MNRAS.123..233B&db_key=AST

Spectral types and luminosities of B, A and F southern stars
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1957MNRAS.117..449D&db_key=AST

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Observation and Astrometry data

Constellation:Pisces Austrinus
Right ascension:22h38m51.50s
Apparent magnitude:5.66
Distance:133.333 parsecs
Proper motion RA:3.3
Proper motion Dec:14.9
B-T magnitude:5.71
V-T magnitude:5.671

Catalogs and designations:
Proper Names   (Edit)
HD 1989HD 214484
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 7501-1093-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0525-43921007
BSC 1991HR 8616
HIPHIP 111809

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