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TYC 5483-418-1



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A Catalog of Rotation and Activity in Early-M Stars
We present a catalog of rotation and chromospheric activity in a sampleof 334 M dwarfs of spectral types M0-M4.5 populating the parameter spacearound the boundary to full convection. We obtain high-resolutionoptical spectra for 206 targets and determine projected rotationalvelocity, vsin i, and H? emission. The data are combined withmeasurements of vsin i in field stars of the same spectral type from theliterature. Our sample adds 157 new rotation measurements to theexisting literature and almost doubles the sample of available vsin i.The final sample provides a statistically meaningful picture of rotationand activity at the transition to full convection in the solarneighborhood. We confirm a steep rise in the fraction of active stars atthe transition to full convection known from earlier work. In addition,we see a clear rise in rotational velocity in the same stars. In veryfew stars, no chromospheric activity but a detection of rotationalbroadening is reported. We argue that all of them are probably spuriousdetections; we conclude that in our sample all significantly rotatingstars are active, and all active stars are significantly rotating. Therotation-activity relation is valid in partially and in fully convectivestars. Thus, we do not observe any evidence for a transition from arotationally dominated dynamo in partially convective stars to arotation-independent turbulent dynamo in fully convective stars;turbulent dynamos in fully convective stars of spectral types around M4are still driven by rotation. Finally, we compare projected rotationalvelocities of 33 stars to rotational periods derived from photometry inthe literature and determine inclinations for a few of them.

Bayesian inference of stellar parameters and interstellar extinction using parallaxes and multiband photometry
Astrometric surveys provide the opportunity to measure the absolutemagnitudes of large numbers of stars, but only if the individualline-of-sight extinctions are known. Unfortunately, extinction is highlydegenerate with stellar effective temperature when estimated frombroad-band optical/infrared photometry. To address this problem, Iintroduce a Bayesian method for estimating the intrinsic parameters of astar and its line-of-sight extinction. It uses both photometry andparallaxes in a self-consistent manner in order to provide anon-parametric posterior probability distribution over the parameters.The method makes explicit use of domain knowledge by employing theHertzsprung-Russell Diagram (HRD) to constrain solutions and to ensurethat they respect stellar physics. I first demonstrate this method byusing it to estimate effective temperature and extinction from BVJHKdata for a set of artificially reddened Hipparcos stars, for whichaccurate effective temperatures have been estimated from high-resolutionspectroscopy. Using just the four colours, we see the expected strongdegeneracy (positive correlation) between the temperature andextinction. Introducing the parallax, apparent magnitude and the HRDreduces this degeneracy and improves both the precision (reduces theerror bars) and the accuracy of the parameter estimates, the latter byabout 35 per cent. The resulting accuracy is about 200 K in temperatureand 0.2 mag in extinction. I then apply the method to estimate theseparameters and absolute magnitudes for some 47 000 F, G, K Hipparcosstars which have been cross-matched with Two-Micron All-Sky Survey(2MASS). The method can easily be extended to incorporate the estimationof other parameters, in particular metallicity and surface gravity,making it particularly suitable for the analysis of the 109stars from Gaia.

UBV(RI)C JHK observations of Hipparcos-selected nearby stars
We present homogeneous, standardized UBV(RI)C photometry forover 700 nearby stars selected on the basis of Hipparcos parallaxes.Additionally, we list JHK photometry for about half of these stars, aswell as L photometry for 86 of the brightest. A number of stars withpeculiar colours or anomalous locations in various colour-magnitudediagrams are discussed.

Rotational Velocities for M Dwarfs
We present spectroscopic rotation velocities (v sin i) for 56 M dwarfstars using high-resolution Hobby-Eberly Telescope High ResolutionSpectrograph red spectroscopy. In addition, we have also determinedphotometric effective temperatures, masses, and metallicities ([Fe/H])for some stars observed here and in the literature where we couldacquire accurate parallax measurements and relevant photometry. We haveincreased the number of known v sin i values for mid M stars by around80% and can confirm a weakly increasing rotation velocity withdecreasing effective temperature. Our sample of v sin is peak at lowvelocities (~3 km s-1). We find a change in therotational velocity distribution between early M and late M stars, whichis likely due to the changing field topology between partially and fullyconvective stars. There is also a possible further change in therotational distribution toward the late M dwarfs where dust begins toplay a role in the stellar atmospheres. We also link v sin i to age andshow how it can be used to provide mid-M star age limits. When allliterature velocities for M dwarfs are added to our sample, there are198 with v sin i <= 10 km s-1 and 124 in themid-to-late M star regime (M3.0-M9.5) where measuring precision opticalradial velocities is difficult. In addition, we also search the spectrafor any significant Hα emission or absorption. Forty three percentwere found to exhibit such emission and could represent young, activeobjects with high levels of radial-velocity noise. We acquired twoepochs of spectra for the star GJ1253 spread by almost one month and theHα profile changed from showing no clear signs of emission, toexhibiting a clear emission peak. Four stars in our sample appear to below-mass binaries (GJ1080, GJ3129, Gl802, and LHS3080), with both GJ3129and Gl802 exhibiting double Hα emission features. The tablespresented here will aid any future M star planet search target selectionto extract stars with low v sin i.Based on observations obtained with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope, which isa joint project of the University of Texas at Austin, the PennsylvaniaState University, Stanford University,Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, andGeorg-August-Universität Göttingen.

M dwarfs: effective temperatures, radii and metallicities
We empirically determine effective temperatures and bolometricluminosities for a large sample of nearby M dwarfs, for which highaccuracy optical and infrared photometry is available. We introduce anew technique which exploits the flux ratio in different bands as aproxy of both effective temperature and metallicity. Our temperaturescale for late-type dwarfs extends well below 3000K (almost to the browndwarf limit) and is supported by interferometric angular diametermeasurements above 3000K. Our metallicities are in excellent agreement(usually within 0.2dex) with recent determinations via independenttechniques. A subsample of cool M dwarfs with metallicity estimatesbased on hotter Hipparcos common proper motion companions indicates ourmetallicities are also reliable below 3000K, a temperature rangeunexplored until now. The high quality of our data allows us to identifya striking feature in the bolometric luminosity versus temperatureplane, around the transition from K to M dwarfs. We have compared oursample of stars with theoretical models and conclude that thistransition is due to an increase in the radii of the M dwarfs, a featurewhich is not reproduced by theoretical models.

Further observations of Hipparcos red stars and standards for UBV(RI)C photometry
We present homogeneous and standardized UBV(RI)C JHKphotometry for over 100 M stars selected from an earlier paper on thebasis of apparent photometric constancy. L photometry has been obtainedfor stars brighter than about L = 6. Most of the stars have asubstantial number of UBV(RI)C observations and, it is hoped,will prove useful as red supplementary standards. Additionally, we listJHK photometry for nearly 300 Hipparcos red stars not selected asstandards, as well as L photometry for the brightest stars.

Pulkovo compilation of radial velocities for 35495 stars in a common system.
Not Available

The spectroscopic characteristics of intermediate-aged pre-main-sequence stars: the η Chamaeleontis cluster
We present a study of calibrated low-resolution spectra of the 18 knownprimaries of the ~9-Myr-old η Chamaeleontis (η Cha)pre-main-sequence (PMS) star cluster. Using synthetic broad-band coloursand narrow-band continuum-sensitive, temperature-sensitive andgravity-sensitive indices derived from the spectra, we compare the ηCha stars to standard dwarfs. We find that the VRI colours of the PMSstars are indistinguishable from those of main-sequence stars, but thata B-band excess attaining ~0.2 mag for late-M cluster stars is present,which might be an indicator of gravity, metallicity and/or activitydifferences between the two samples of stars. The narrow-band spectralindices for the η Cha stars possibly indicate higher metallicity andstrongly indicate lower surface gravity than the dwarf indices,consistent with the elevated location of the cluster in theHertzsprung-Russell evolutionary diagram. Using the derived syntheticcolours and indices, we adopt spectral types for the late-type η Chastars. We then produce a table of absolute optical magnitudes andcolours representing the cluster isochrone for comparison with PMSevolutionary models. From our results we also conclude that the ηCha stars are unreddened, consistent with the group being a sample ofolder PMS stars distant from obscuring molecular clouds, except for theA1 member HD 75505 for which we confirm AV= 0.4 mag likelydue to the presence of circumstellar material.

Improved Astrometry and Photometry for the Luyten Catalog. II. Faint Stars and the Revised Catalog
We complete construction of a catalog containing improved astrometry andnew optical/infrared photometry for the vast majority of NLTT starslying in the overlap of regions covered by POSS I and by the secondincremental Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) release, approximately 44%of the sky. The epoch 2000 positions are typically accurate to 130 mas,the proper motions to 5.5 mas yr-1, and the V-J colors to0.25 mag. Relative proper motions of binary components are measured to 3mas yr-1. The false-identification rate is ~1% for11<~V<~18 and substantially less at brighter magnitudes. Theseimprovements permit the construction of a reduced proper-motion diagramthat, for the first time, allows one to classify NLTT stars intomain-sequence (MS) stars, subdwarfs (SDs), and white dwarfs (WDs). We inturn use this diagram to analyze the properties of both our catalog andthe NLTT catalog on which it is based. In sharp contrast to popularbelief, we find that NLTT incompleteness in the plane is almostcompletely concentrated in MS stars, and that SDs and WDs are detectedalmost uniformly over the sky δ>-33deg. Our catalogwill therefore provide a powerful tool to probe these populationsstatistically, as well as to reliably identify individual SDs and WDs.

Hipparcos red stars in the HpV_T2 and V I_C systems
For Hipparcos M, S, and C spectral type stars, we provide calibratedinstantaneous (epoch) Cousins V - I color indices using newly derivedHpV_T2 photometry. Three new sets of ground-based Cousins V I data havebeen obtained for more than 170 carbon and red M giants. These datasetsin combination with the published sources of V I photometry served toobtain the calibration curves linking Hipparcos/Tycho Hp-V_T2 with theCousins V - I index. In total, 321 carbon stars and 4464 M- and S-typestars have new V - I indices. The standard error of the mean V - I isabout 0.1 mag or better down to Hp~9 although it deteriorates rapidly atfainter magnitudes. These V - I indices can be used to verify thepublished Hipparcos V - I color indices. Thus, we have identified ahandful of new cases where, instead of the real target, a random fieldstar has been observed. A considerable fraction of the DMSA/C and DMSA/Vsolutions for red stars appear not to be warranted. Most likely suchspurious solutions may originate from usage of a heavily biased color inthe astrometric processing.Based on observations from the Hipparcos astrometric satellite operatedby the European Space Agency (ESA 1997).}\fnmsep\thanks{Table 7 is onlyavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp tocdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/397/997

Brown Dwarfs and the TW Hydrae Association
I report the results of a survey for low-mass(0.030Msolar>~M>~0.013Msolar) brown dwarfsin the direction of the TW Hya association using the Two Micron All SkySurvey (2MASS). Two late M dwarfs show signs of low surface gravity andare strong candidates to be young, very low mass(M~0.025Msolar) brown dwarfs related to the TW Hyaassociation. The object 2MASSW J1207334-393254 is particularly notablefor its strong H? emission. The number of detected brown dwarfs isconsistent with the substellar mass function in richer star formationenvironments. Newly identified late M and L dwarfs in the field are alsodiscussed. Unusual objects include an L dwarf with strong H?emission, a possible wide M8-M9 triple system, and a possible L dwarfcompanion to an LHS star.

UBV(RI)C photometry of Hipparcos red stars
We present homogeneous and standardized UBV(RI)C photometryfor nearly 550 M stars selected from the Hipparcos satellite data baseusing the following selection criteria: lack of obvious variability (noHipparcos variability flag); δ<+10°(V-I)>1.7 and Vmagnitude fainter than about 7.6. Comparisons are made between thecurrent photometry, other ground-based data sets and Hipparcosphotometry. We use linear discriminant analysis to determine aluminosity segregation criterion for late-type stars, and principalcomponent analysis to study the statistical structure of the colourindices and to calibrate absolute magnitude in terms of (V-I) for thedwarf stars. Various methods are used to determine the mean absolutemagnitude of the giant stars. We find 10 dwarf stars, apparentlypreviously unrecognized (prior to Hipparcos) as being within 25pc,including five within 20pc.

Revised Coordinates and Proper Motions of the Stars in the Luyten Half-Second Catalog
We present refined coordinates and proper-motion data for the highproper-motion (HPM) stars in the Luyten Half-Second (LHS) catalog. Thepositional uncertainty in the original Luyten catalog is typicallygreater than 10" and is often greater than 30". We have used the digitalscans of the POSS I and POSS II plates to derive more accurate positionsand proper motions of the objects. Out of the 4470 candidates in the LHScatalog, 4323 objects were manually reidentified in the POSS I and POSSII scans. A small fraction of the stars were not found because of thelack of finder charts and digitized POSS II scans. The uncertainties inthe revised positions are typically ~2" but can be as high as ~8" in afew cases, which is a large improvement over the original data.Cross-correlation with the Tycho-2 and Hipparcos catalogs yielded 819candidates (with mR<~12). For these brighter sources, theposition and proper-motion data were replaced with the more accurateTycho-2/Hipparcos data. In total, we have revised proper-motionmeasurements and coordinates for 4040 stars and revised coordinates for4330 stars. The electronic version of the paper5 contains the updated information on all 4470stars in the LHS catalog.

The Palomar/MSU Nearby Star Spectroscopic Survey. III. Chromospheric Activity, M Dwarf Ages, and the Local Star Formation History
We present high-resolution echelle spectroscopy of 676 nearby M dwarfs.Our measurements include radial velocities, equivalent widths ofimportant chromospheric emission lines, and rotational velocities forrapidly rotating stars. We identify several distinct groups by theirHα properties and investigate variations in chromospheric activityamong early (M0-M2.5) and mid (M3-M6) dwarfs. Using a volume-limitedsample together with a relationship between age and chromosphericactivity, we show that the rate of star formation in the immediate solarneighborhood has been relatively constant over the last 4 Gyr. Inparticular, our results are inconsistent with recent large bursts ofstar formation. We use the correlation between Hα activity and ageas a function of color to set constraints on the properties of L and Tdwarf secondary components in binary systems. We also identify a numberof interesting stars, including rapid rotators, radial velocityvariables, and spectroscopic binaries. Observations were made at the 60inch telescope at Palomar Mountain, which is jointly owned by theCalifornia Institute of Technology and the Carnegie Institution ofWashington.

Meeting the Cool Neighbors. II. Photometry of Southern NLTT Stars
We present BVRI photometry of 180 bright, southern nearby-starcandidates. The stars were selected from the New Luyten Two-Tenthsproper-motion catalog based on optical/infrared colors, constructed bycombining Luyten's mr estimates with near-infrared photometryfrom the Two Micron All Sky Survey. Photometric parallaxes derived fromV-Ks, V-I, and I-J colors, combined with the limitedavailable astrometry, show that as many as 108 stars may lie within 20pc of the Sun. Of these, 53 are new to nearby-star catalogs, includingthree within 10 pc of the Sun.

Catalogue of Apparent Diameters and Absolute Radii of Stars (CADARS) - Third edition - Comments and statistics
The Catalogue, available at the Centre de Données Stellaires deStrasbourg, consists of 13 573 records concerning the results obtainedfrom different methods for 7778 stars, reported in the literature. Thefollowing data are listed for each star: identifications, apparentmagnitude, spectral type, apparent diameter in arcsec, absolute radiusin solar units, method of determination, reference, remarks. Commentsand statistics obtained from CADARS are given. The Catalogue isavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp tocdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcar?J/A+A/367/521

Nearby Microlensing Events: Identification of the Candidates for theSpace Interferometry Mission
The Space Interferometry Mission (SIM) is the instrument of choice whenit comes to observing astrometric microlensing events where nearby,usually high proper motion, stars (``lenses'') pass in front of moredistant stars (``sources''). Each such encounter produces a deflectionin the source's apparent position that, when observed by SIM, can leadto a precise mass determination of the nearby lens star. We search forlens-source encounters during the 2005-2015 period using Hipparcos, ACT,and NLTT to select lenses, and USNO-A2.0 to search for the correspondingsources, and rank these by the SIM time required for a 1% massmeasurement. For Hipparcos and ACT lenses, the lens distance andlens-source impact parameter are precisely determined so that the eventsare well characterized. We present 32 candidates beginning with a 61 CygA event in 2012 that requires only a few minutes of SIM time. ProximaCentauri and Barnard's star each generate several events. For NLTTlenses, the distance is known only to a factor of 3, and the impactparameter only to 1''. Together, these produce uncertaintiesof a factor ~10 in the amount of SIM time required. We present a list of146 NLTT candidates and show how single-epoch CCD photometry of thecandidates could reduce the uncertainty in SIM time to a factor of ~1.5.

New proper motion determination of Luyten catalogue stars (LTT) with declination between -5(deg) and -30(deg) and right ascension between 0h and 13h 30m
Data are given for 353 LTT stars found on 42 areas, covering 25 squaredegrees each, with declination between -5(deg) and -30(deg) and rightascension between 0h and 13h 30m. Nineteen stars present differences inproper motion >= 0('') 10, twenty present differences in positionangle >= 20(deg) and six present those differences in both values.Table 2 only available in electronic foun at CDS viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html. Finding charts only availablein the electronic version.

The Palomar/MSU Nearby Star Spectroscopic Survey.II.The Southern M Dwarfs and Investigation of Magnetic Activity
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1996AJ....112.2799H&db_key=AST

Photometry of Stars with Large Proper Motion
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1996AJ....112.2300W&db_key=AST

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

The Palomar/MSU Nearby-Star Spectroscopic Survey. I. The Northern M Dwarfs -Bandstrengths and Kinematics
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1995AJ....110.1838R&db_key=AST

The general catalogue of trigonometric [stellar] paralaxes
Not Available

The importance of surface inhomogeneities for K and M dwarf chromospheric fluxes
We present published and archived spectroscopic and spectrophotometricdata of H-alpha, Ca II, Mg II, and X-rays for a large sample of K and Mdwarfs. The data set points to the importance that surfaceinhomogeneities have in the flux luminosity diagrams in these late-typedwarfs, irrespective of whether the Balmer lines are in emission orabsorption. Although supporting the fact that cooler stars exhibitincreasing levels of surface activity, evident through an increasingincidence of Balmer emission, surface inhomogeneities, or variations inthe local temperature and density structure, at the chromospheric level,dominate the total Ca II and Mg II fluxes. We show that the flux-fluxand luminosity-luminosity relations indicate differing extents ofinhomogeneity from the chromosphere through to the corona. A goodcorrelation between Ca II and Mg II fluxes indicates that they areformed in overlapping regions of the chromosphere, so that thecontribution of surface inhomogeneities is not evident from thisparticular flux-flux diagram. In the region of the upper chromospherethrough to the transition and corona, the correlation between Ly-alphaand X-ray fluxes indicates regions with similar levels of arealinhomogeneity. This appears to be uncorrelated with that at thechromospheric level.

Photometry of dwarf K and M stars
An observational program using UBVRI photometry is presented for 688stars from among the dwarf K and M stars already found spectroscopicallyby Vyssotsky (1958). Of these, 211 have not been observedphotometrically. These observations were obtained over a period ofseveral years at the Kitt Peak National Observatory using a GaAsphotomultiplier with an 0.9 m reflector. Based on night-to-nightvariations in the measures of individual stars, the internal errors maybe estimated to be roughly 0.01 mag for the colors and 0.015 for the Vmagnitudes. The photometric parallaxes reported for each star werecomputed in the manner discussed by Weis (1986).

Photographic astrometry of binary and proper-motion stars. VII
Parallax data and mass ratios are presented for astrometric binaries andproper-motion stars. Three new unresolved red dwarf binaries are listedand annotated.

The rotation of M dwarfs
Rotational broadening of absorption lines in a sample of 47 nearby, lateK- and M-type main-sequence stars is measured by means of a convolutiontechnique. Rotation is detected above a threshold of 3 km/s in fivestars: AD Leo, EQ Vir, YZ CMi, Gliese 369, and Gliese 569. The presenceof detectable rotation for GL 569A confirms that the system is indeedyounger than about 1 Gyr. Thus its low luminosity companion remains anoutstanding brown dwarf candidate. The average equatorial rotationalvelocity of M dwarfs in the solar neighborhood is less than 2 km/s. Thisconfirms M dwarfs as the slowest rotators on the main sequence andsuggests that many lose about 98 percent of their angular momentumduring their main sequence lifetimes. Zeeman broadening is shown to benegligible in optical lines of inactive M dwarfs.

BVRI photometry of the Gliese Catalogue stars
Photoelectri BVRI photometry on the Cousins (Kron-Cape) system has beenobtained for many of the southern faint stars in the Gliese Catalog(1969). This extends the work of Cousins (1980) and provides a uniformset of data for the nearby stars. Several red dwarfs are noted, whichwere used to define the red end of the Cousins system.

Bolometric luminosities and colors for K and M dwarfs and the subluminous stars of the halo
The H-R diagrams of dM, sdK, and sdM proper-motion stars are examined. Amethod for integrating energy distributions using discrete weights isproposed. The bolometric corrections are assessed at various wavelengthsand a method for obtaining luminosities even if a star lacks IR data ispresented. The color-luminosity diagrams suggest that high-velocity,low-metallicity stars of the halo are subluminous. It is found that theapparent cutoff in the halo is a bolometric magnitude of about 12 m.

A search for substellar companions to low-mass stars
Multiple, precise Doppler measurements (+ or - 230 m/s) are presentedfor a sample of 70 low-mass stars in order to search for weakgravitational perturbations due to brown dwarf companions. Themeasurements make it possible to detect companions with masses greaterthan 0.007 solar mass and orbital periods less than 4 yrs. It is foundthat six of the considered stars have stellar companions. However, noneof the stars have substellar companions. It is concluded that althoughseveral brown dwarf candidates exists, there is no convincing detectionof an object with a mass significantly below 0.08 solar mass.

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Observation and Astrometry data

Right ascension:09h51m09.64s
Apparent magnitude:9.977
Distance:13.68 parsecs
Proper motion RA:1137.2
Proper motion Dec:-1459.2
B-T magnitude:11.862
V-T magnitude:10.133

Catalogs and designations:
Proper Names   (Edit)
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 5483-418-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0750-07045760
HIPHIP 48336

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